Larisa Forester

Larisa Forester

Larisa Forester, CPSM, Associate AIA


Effervescent. Resourceful. Galvanizing.

“Je suis ce que je suis, qui le crû?”


Larisa is known for embracing eternal positivity, new ideas, innovative techniques, diverse cultures, and constant growth. She uses these to lead firms in international client growth and market expansion. She will work with clients to conduct surveys and research, along with business development and strategic planning.

Driven to try new things and meet new people, Larisa has visited nearly a dozen different countries and has lived and worked in a few. This cultural shift in approaches, processes, and outcomes has not only expanded her cultural horizons but has made her much more adaptable in her strategy-building techniques and her ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of personalities.

After studying in a Côtes-d’Armor commune, painting in the Louvre, working in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, establishing a city holiday, setting a Guinness World Record, creating new business development and marketing departments for growing design firms, opening a new office, and moving around the globe, she is always ready for another adventure.

Larisa is the current Foundation Champion and 2021 President of CREW Los Angeles and the Marketing Director for the National Association of Museum Exhibitions. In addition, she serves on the Steering committee for the National Association for Women in Construction SoCal WIC Week and the NAIOP Awards Gala. She is also a judge for the Society for Collegiate and University Planning and the Society for Marketing Professional Services Marketing Communication Awards.

Larisa graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Master of Science in Marketing, a Bachelor of Science in Architecture, a minor in French Language and Literature, and a certificate in Systematic Inventive Thinking. She also studied International Business, Architecture, and Art History at the American University of Paris.



  • Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Development


  • Business Development
  • Marketing Assessments
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Client Surveys
  • Market Intelligence


  • Employee Surveys